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We have had the Mass outdoors, indoors, and the drive-in Mass for months. Yet, we haven't been back to the church (building). For more than a year, the building has been empty. We have missed the voices of prayer and the sounds of music reverberating in the sacred place.

Now it's time to gather together again as a community of believers in the house of the Lord. There is something wonderful about praying, worshiping together in the common home that we will experience again (Please find below the dates and schedule).

It's more than about going back to a building. It's about going home, going back to a community. It's about re-encountering the Lord and the community.

We plan to offer (1) a Mass to remember all who died during the pandemic, (2) a Picnic to reconnect with fellow parishioners and welcome newcomers, (3) a Retreat or Recollection Day for renewal.

Call and invite a fellow parishioner, or a friend, to join us.

May the Spirit of the Lord renew our faith, our hope, and our love.


Effective Monday, June 7

Seat reservations, check-in, distancing, masking, sanitizing are still required until further notice.

Monday—Friday: 8:00 AM inside church

Saturday: 9:00 AM inside church

Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM drive-in

Sunday: 7:00 AM; 9:00 AM; 11:00 AM; 5:00 PM inside church

Confessions: Saturday, 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm at the exterior entrance to Room A (facing the synagogue). There is no need for reservations before confession as the penitent is not in the room.

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