Contact us
Church of the Ascension
12033 Miller Ave, Saratoga, CA 9507
408-725-3939 (Parish Office)
408-725-3939 ext. 5 (Catechetical Office)
408-725-3939 ext. 9 (For Sacramental Emergencies only)
Administration & Pastoral Staff
Pastor Fr. Hao Dinh 408-725-3939
Faith Formation Coordinator Sharlene Pereira 408-725-3939
Administrative Assistant Nomer Rios 408-725-3939
Bookkeeper Mark Rose 408-725-3939
Maintenance Supervisor Wayne Purdy 408-725-3939
Advisory Councils
Pastoral Council Peggy Schoppe 408-867-9229
Finance Council Michael Atkinson 408-725-3939
Building & Grounds Committee Ron Schoengold 408-309-9830
Pandemic Task Force Ron Schoengold 408-309-9830
Sunday Bulletin Fr. Hao Dinh 408-446-3647
Website Fr. Hao Dinh 408-725-3939
Faith & Catechetical Formation
Baptism Preparation Fr. Hao Dinh 408-725-3939
Youth Faith Formation Sharlene Pereira 408-725-3930
Becoming Catholic Christians (RCIA) Arlene Q. & Tony M. 408-725-3939
Marriage Preparation Fr. Hao Dinh 408-725-3939
Marriage Encounter Tony & Dale Fadelli 408-253-1533
Communion Minister Training Ron Schoengold 408-725-8873
Lector Training Wilma Brisendine 408-725-3939
Ushers Chuck Schoppe 408-867-9229
Altar Servers Fr. Hao Dinh 408-725-3939
Musicians Nomer Rios 408-725-3939
Sacristans Tony Stolz 408-603-8593
Scripture & Spirituality
Faith & Scriptures Gene Plevyak 408-257-3490
Charismatic Prayer Group George Sharp 408-623-3014
Rosary Group Open
Pastoral Care
Communion to the Sick Fr. Hao Dinh 408-725-3939
Bereavement Ministry (TBA)
Community & Outreach
Men's Club Chuck Schoppe 408-867-9229
Cursillo Gene & Elaine Plevyak 408-857-1075
Knights of Columbus 4981 John Pozniak 408-230-6006
Serra Club Bruce Newman 408-293-8004
Young Adults (TBA)
Couples Bridge David Tong 415-606-1476
Chinese Catholic Community Janet Lau 408-725-3939
Fil-Am Organization Marie Maraschin 408-725-3939
Social Events Committee (TBA)
CONNECT Don Van Buren 408-996-2619
Loaves & Fishes (direct to org.) 408-934-4990
Martha's Kitchen (direct to org.) 408-293-6111
Sacred Heart Comunity Svc (direct to org.) 408-283-5800
Ascension Cares Peggy Schoppe 408-867-9229