For more information, please call
Parish office: 408-725-3939
Catechetical ministry: 408-725-3930
Infant Baptism
Baptisms of infants are celebrated on the first Sunday of each month (except during Lent) around 12:15 pm, or after the 11:00 am Mass. Please contact the parish office at least one month before the scheduled baptism (for paperwork, and a baptismal preparation).
Baptism of Adults and Children over 7 years old
Please contact the parish office for details.​
First Communion & Confirmation
Please contact the parish office for details.​
Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance.
Please contact the parish office to make an appointment with a priest.
(More information on preparing your wedding and marriage will be provided)
For helpful guidelines, visit
Vocations to the Priesthood or Religious Life
Please call one of our priests.
Anointing of the Sick
If you need a priest for the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please call the parish office. It's part of what is commonly known as the Last Rites for those who are near death: Confession, Anointing, Communion.
But you don't have to with until that point or when you are so sick to call a priest. A person can also be anointed before a major surgery.
Please contact our parish office first before making funeral arrangements with any funeral home. We can guide you in your preparations at this difficult time.