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Online &

 automated giving

WeShare Online Giving
is a secure and convenient way to give.

Click here

If this is your first visit to the site, simply click on any giving option and fill out some information.

An account will be created and you will receive an email
with temporary login information and a 24-hour password.


Without public Masses and activities during the Shelter in Place mandate, churches have been in a severe ecclesial and financial crisis.  Distance praying via virtual technology is comforting and can be real, but physically gathering to pray, to celebrate, to connect, to serve, is part of who we are as Church.


Empty pews may not result in completely empty collection baskets, but donations to churches have drastically plunged for several weeks (as low as 10 or 12 percent of the regular Sunday collection).  Even before the Coronavirus lockdown, a number of parishes had already been limping at a budget shortfall. 


Two months after the public Mass suspension, collections were slowly going up (to 40, 50 percent), but churches still have a long way to go.  In the best scenario, parishes in the Diocese of San Jose may reach only 80 - 85% of their pre-pandemic Sunday collection by June 30, 2021.   


A steady source of income for parishes is the online automated giving (WeShare platform for Ascension Parish).  Our Parish has been blessed by the continued support of many members.  Thank you for your generosity. 


If you haven't donated this way, please consider WeShare.  Click here, and select a giving option, filling out some information.  An account will be created for you.  Or you can call/click at 800-950-9952 (LPi company) then select #3 for WeShare.

Another convenient giving option is Autopay, usually monthly, through your bank.  Both online giving and autopay will save time for our collection counting team although they are happy to count!


"God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7)


What are the benefits of online giving?  Click here.



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