Automated Giving Is an Option in Our Parish
What are the benefits to you?
You do not have to worry about mailing in your envelope or bringing it to Sunday Mass. No more last-minute checks to write every week, or worrying about catching up missed donations. You will receive the same year-end annual report from Ascension for your tax records.
What about Holidays? What about Special Collections?
If you wish, you can specify your giving level for these when you join WeShare, or anytime thereafter.
But I like having an envelope to give each Sunday
Special donation slips are available from the parish office that you can drop in the collection basket. Or just use your envelope and write "WeShare" on the back. If you still prefer giving through envelopes, please call our office at 408-725-3939.
I want to try it. How do I enroll in WeShare?
It is easy to sign up. Click here to enroll online.
You may sign up by phone as well. Just call/click at 800-950-9952 (LPi company) and select option 3 for WeShare.
If you have any questions, call Susan Dunn at the Ascension parish office at (408) 725-3939.