while the live-streamed mass continues sundays at 9:00 am, we begin the outdoor mass on Friday, June 19.
you need to sign up as we can only have 25 persons per mass.
please click here or
click the "Outdoor Mass" banner above to sign up.
if you are unable to sign up online for the outdoor mass,
you may call lea hering
at this phone number (408-506-4991)
and ask her to register online for you.
Welcome to Our Family of Faith!
During the Shelter in Place, you are invited to participate in the Live-streamed Mass on Sundays at 9:00 am (click here) or the Outdoor Mass (information above).
When our church is reopened, join us at 12033 Miller Ave, Saratoga, CA.
We the members of Ascension Church strive to respond to Jesus' call and joyfully accept the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Tradition.
We belong to
the People of God,
the Body of Christ,
the Church,
and the Human Race.
We believe as a community
and as individuals
in the God
who has saved us in Christ
and made us alive in his Spirit.
We strive to become
more Christian every day
in following Jesus,
growing in faith,
and carrying out his mission.
Our PARISH Mission
We the members of the Church of Ascension respond to Jesus' call and joyfully accept
the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the Roman Catholic Church Tradition.
We promote Christ's teaching of love, peace, justice, and service to others by word, example, and charitable works in order to bring about a higher level of Christian morality and help each other grow in faith.
If you want to be on our email list,
please subscribe, and you will receive
the weekly parish bulletin and other updates.