As the weather has changed and our county is easing restrictions, it’s time for our community to celebrate liturgies indoors. This change will be effective on Sunday, November 1, at the 8:30 am Mass (Vigil Mass at 5:00 pm on October 31 is still outdoors). Please remember that Standard Time returns at 2:00 am this same day.
There will be two Masses on All Souls Day, November 2, at 8:00 am and 5:00 pm.
Our Parish Reopening Task Force believes that the optimal place for safe indoor worship during this phase is Worner Hall for these reasons:
- It has an upgraded ventilation and heating system, with superior (MERV 13) filters and enhanced outside air circulation
- Chairs can be easily arranged to meet the safe distance requirement (about 50+ chairs)
- The decontamination of space and chairs after each Mass is more practical
- The sound system in the hall works well.
To keep everyone safe:
- Pre-registration on EventBrite, or call Lea Hering at 408-499-0831, is required
- Stay home if you are sick or have symptoms associated with coronavirus.
- Face coverings and 6-foot distancing are required
- Bring your own hand sanitizer (chairs will be provided)
- Park at least one space away from any other cars in the parking lot
- There’s a single entry to the hall (clearly marked).
- Check in at the registration window.
- Drop your offering envelope in the marked receptacle (your gift is greatly appreciated)
- No singing or chanting in the assembly is permitted
- Follow instructions from the presider (on Communion, exits, etc.)
Safety protocols will be monitored by our volunteers. Thank you for your cooperation.
Welcome back!