Is Time for Giving
A cash gift is a convenient way to support the parish. Make sure your check is dated 2024 and received or postmarked no later than December 31, 2024, to receive a deduction this year.

Appreciated Securities

If you own investments that have increased in value (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate), you can donate them to your parish and take an income tax deduction for the full fair market value and avoid declaring the capital gain of the assets as income. This is the equivalent of a “double deduction.”

Retirement Plan Assets

When a distribution is made from your plan to the church, a tax-exempt organization, we will receive the full amount of what you gives.

Life Insurance

When the original purpose for a life insurance no longer applies (educating children now grown, providing financial security for a spouse now deceased), your policy can become a powerful and simple way to support the church. Name your parish a beneficiary of the policy.
For more info on these giving options and others visit this page.